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Dianne Horton Landing Background

Are you looking for joy, ease and love in your life?

This life is an amazing experience for you,  do you ever wonder if there is something more? A greater possiblity?

Dianne Horton lives in joy, ease & love each day and can support you as your

Spiritual Mentor


 Ask yourself  . . . "am I ready now?"


A Spiritual Mentor is born, not made, they are born from a death of the self, the persona, born once again into the new spiritual being we all are.


A clear presence points the way for you to be more of who you are.


A Spiritual Mentor assists you to dive deep into removing all limiting beliefs, concepts and ideas to allow you to be in the world freely without hindrance.


To realise that you are this amazingly profound joyous limitless beingness of nothingness is indescribable.


A spiritual mentor can guide you towards realising who you are. At your core, you are limitlessness, joyful, peaceful and more.


The only reason you don't experience this is that you have covered yourself in the world of humanness, and therefore you experience struggle and pain.


Being with what IS absolutely, one hundred percent, shines a light of SEEING that dissolves or washes it away.


Your issues can miraculously resolve, there is a different way to live in this world, but you are not of this world, life does not disappear it is seen differently, your response is different and everything is easier.


You're ready if you have a 'YES' after reading through this site.


When you feel you have tried lots of paths and now require a guiding heart.


Are you suffering in your daily life?


Are you unhappy?


Are you finished with living as you have been? 

When you are ready to surrender everything, and to let go of long-held beliefs, ideas and concepts, you are ready to live the life you were born to live.​

Dianne has had her own journey and shares her insights into yours gently and with love. She’s an intuitive, fun vibrant person who lives freely and, well just jumps into life really. Years ago I spent 3 months with her in community at Rosebank. We worked alongside each other daily. I was often impressed with the way she has a thought and the next minute is taking action right there and then. No fear, no procrastination, no attachment, just jumping in and seeing where the thought/impulse leads.


More recently we shared a home while both developing properties. It was such a gift to be in close quarters once more. I would seek support and advice or just need to talk something out of my head and always received valuable feedback or suggestions without it feeling pushy or judgemental. Just pure, you could do it this way, or that way, or look at yourself this way or that way. Which is such a delight to receive. Receiving in this way one is able to sit with oneself and somehow an answer pops up, an internal shift occurs or a decision is made easily and effortlessly in a way that just feels good.


I am blessed to have this guidance in my life and forever grateful. 

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